Kitchen Utensils Set 

Kitchen Utensils  Set, with stand.
(8 pieces)
Keep all your kitchen tools organized with BAHAZKALA kitchen utensils, a great way to avoid clutter in your cabinets. Tools can be used for all your cookware needs and are heat resistant. They are made of stainless steel.
This 8 Piece Culinary Tool & Utensil Set includes:
  • Can Opener
  • Peeler
  • Whisk
  • pizza wheel cutter
  • pie and cake server
  • strainer
  • knife sharpening
  • And a utensil holder
 All pieces have comfortable, non-slip handles and grips.
Product Information
  • Durable - made of corrosion resistant material.
  • Dishwasher safe.
  • Safe and Convenient.
  • Heat resistant
  • Made of stainless steel- fingerprint proof, for steel collection.
  • 10 year guarantee.
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